Owner: Robert Warner (205) 602-4301 490 Stillwell Rd. Springfield, GA 31329-4603
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DIY Small Hive Beetle Trap - This is the tray and screen only!
10 Frame Beehive Starter Set
Gravity Honey Extractor Set
IPK Small Hive Beetle Trap Assembled and Painted
DIY Small Hive Beetle Trap - This is the tray and screen only!
10 Frame Beehive Starter Set
10 Frame Starter Set Lite
8 Frame Backyard Beekeeper Set Fully Assembled
Telescoping Cover Insulated to R-5 For 10 Frame Hives
R-2 8 Frame Telescoping Top
Inner Cover / Hive Top Feeder
Deep Frames Assembled
Medium Frames Assembled
10 frame Deep Super Painted with frames
10 frame Medium Super Assembled & Painted with frames
8 Frame Deep Super Assembled & Painted with Frames
8 Frame Medium super assembled and painted with frames
Beehive Stand
Gravity Honey Extractor Set
Frame Holder
Pine Entrance Reducer
Auto 9 Frame Spreader
GB Bee Veil
GB Beekeeping Tool Set
Raw Cotton
Turtleneck shirt
Goatskin Beekeeping Gloves
Queen Excluder
Solar Wax Melter Set
Outdoor Observation Hive
Nuc Set
Mite Count Board - Reusable
The Victor- Thermal treatment for Varroa mites with NO chemicals
Varroa mite count test kit
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